Portable gas detectors training
Any person who has to use a portable gas detector must know certain basic principles for optimum use and to reduce as much as possible all the risks related to interventions in hazardous areas or in confined spaces. For these reasons, a training in the use of portable gas detectors is strongly recommended wherever: in our facilities, on-site at our customers' office or via Teams for those who are too far and the most distant of them.
Presentation of gas detectors training
- Teaching objectives: The main purpose of this training is to understand the main risks induced by the presence of gas, to know the main effects on health and especially to know how to use the different portable gas detectors
- Relevant public: The gas detectors training is addressed to any person likely to or having to intervene in a gas risk area
- Number of attendees: This training can be followed by a group of 10 people maximum
- Duration: About two hours
“Gas detectors” theoretical module
- Presentation of the company GazDetect
- Presentation of the theoretical and practical modules
Explosive gases:
- The different sensor technologies
- Definition of the main concepts: lower explosive limit and upper explosive limit
- Example of the explosive limits of the most common gases
- Detection method and sensor technologies used
- Poisons and sensor inhibitors
- Gas tests & calibrations with correlation table of explosive gases
Toxic gases:
- Definition of the main notions: exposure limit value and average exposure value
- Concrete examples of STEL & TWA with the most common gases on site
- Detection method and sensor technology used
- Importance of the gas test and calibration
Anoxia and asphyxiating gases:
- Composition of air under "normal" conditions
- Effects on health of an oxygen-deficient environment
- Confined spaces and specific hazards
“Portable gas detectors training” practical module
- Learning of basic functions
- Resetting the sensor
- Adjustment of the sensitivity
- Data extraction and storage methods
- Questions and answers