Our CSR policy
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is defined as all the actions and policies implemented by a company to minimize the negative impacts of its activities. The primary aim is to improve the working environment, in human, social and environmental dimensions. This responsibility is voluntary and goes beyond legal obligations.
The Pillars of CSR
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is based on three essential pillars, each contributing to the sustainable and balanced development of the company:
- The environmental pillar (The Planet): This pillar aims to minimize the environmental impact of the company's activities through various actions:
Reducing greenhouse gases: Implementing measures to reduce emissions of CO2 and other polluting gases, for example, by optimizing production processes and adopting cleaner technologies.
Waste reduction: Reduce the amount of waste generated by the company and the reuse of materials.
Recycling: Implement efficient systems for collecting and processing recyclable waste to reduce the ecological footprint.
Preservation of natural resources: Adopt sustainable resource management practices to ensure their long-term availability, such as reducing water consumption and protecting biodiversity.
- The social pillar (The People): This pillar concerns the well-being and development of individuals within the company. Key aspects include:
Respect and equality: Promoting an inclusive and respectful working environment, guaranteeing equal opportunities and combating all forms of discrimination.
Employee well-being: Ensuring good working conditions, including health and safety at work.
Access to training: Offer ongoing training and professional development opportunities to enable employees to acquire new skills and progress in their careers.
Career development: Encourage internal mobility and offer attractive career prospects to retain talent and foster employees' personal and professional fulfillment.
- The economic pillar (Prosperity): This pillar aims to ensure the company's economic viability while contributing to local economic development. Initiatives include:
Creating local wealth: Investing in local communities by creating jobs and supporting local businesses, thereby contributing to the economic vitality of the region.
Use of local suppliers: Favor local service providers to support the local economy and reduce the carbon footprint linked to transport.
Patronage and community support: Actively participate in patronage initiatives, support local projects, and collaborate with non-governmental organizations to have a positive impact on society.
By integrating these three pillars, CSR enables companies to contribute to a sustainable future while creating value for all their stakeholders.
Sustainable Development Goals
It's impossible to talk about CSR without mentioning the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted in September 2015 by the United Nations as part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. These goals aim to eradicate extreme poverty, combat inequality and preserve the planet. GazDetect strives to align its CSR initiatives with these SDGs to contribute to a more sustainable and equitable future.
In order to implement its CSR policy, GazDetect has formed a working group, appointed a CSR referent and reviewed its HSE policy. GazDetect has introduced initiatives aimed at improving employee well-being, reducing the company's ecological footprint, and promoting business ethics and transparency.