Toluene - C7H8

This page presents information on toluene or methyl benzene (C7H8): characteristics, effects on health, detection devices & systems - Toluene gas detector - and proper respiratory protective equipment (gas mask or PAPR with A gas filter).

Toluene (C7H8) properties

Heavily produced during the Second World War to produce TNT, methyl benzene (C7H8) – or toluene – is a volatile organic compound. This substance is now used in many fields of activities such as construction sites (paint solvent, glue or polish), printing plants (ink) or the pharmaceutical industry. It can also be found in some petroleum products to enhance the octane rating in fuels.

CAS TWA (8 hours) STEL (15 minutes) LEL IP Density / Air Filter / SCBA
203-625-9 20 ppm 100 ppm 1.2 % 8.82 eV 3.14 A

Toluene effects on health

Featuring a specific smell (dissolvent), toluene (C7H8) is a colorless, flammable and explosive gas. It reacts with many volatile organic compounds and oxidizers to produce even more explosive gaseous mixtures. This gas is also very harmful and even lethal if swallowed or absorbed by the breathing tracts. Chronic exposure can lead to severe effects to vital organs and can impair fetus health in pregnant women.



Toluene hazards and effects on health: why use a C7H8 gas detector

Toluene hazards and effects on health (C7H8)

Toluene gas detector - C7H8

C7H8 respiratory protection