GazDetect admires and encourages Jérôme et Laurent TRIOLET for their passion of the underground world …
For safety they use, among other things, an oxygen depletion sensor (oxygen deficiency detection) in disposable version 2 years such as the Senko SGT disposable gas detector, or in single gas version as theT40 Rattler detector or the Pac 6500 or to prevent risks of asphyxiation.
We are pleased to invite you to visit their website available in English to discover their passion and admire a photo library of fascinating underground passages...
Numerous publications are available (books, conferences, films, radio shows…) to share the passion for the underground world (confined spaces). In fact, here are the recommendations that are written in their book « Souterrains de Vendée » :
« In the labytinthine cavities such as the underground quarries, reckless people can easily get lost. To prevent this kind of situation, it is higly recommended to plan for enough light (spare lights and batteries) an to inform household and friends. Only a few cavities are totally safe : the fracturings of the rock of the devastating effect of the water seepages can cause collapses from some stones up to enormous blocks of rock. »
Finally, one of the greatest hazards is the air quality. The underground world is a confined space : in tight and poorly ventilated cavities the oxygen rate can decrease while the carbon dioxide rate dangerously increases.
As a result, the shortness of breath, the headache, the feeling of oppression and the confusion can rapidly lead to the disaster such as the syncope which can occur at any time. The candle can give an estimate of the oxygen rate but when it turns off it’s is myabe already too late; only an oxygen detector allows users to permanently monitor the evolution of the oxygen concentration.